Nobody wants to spend three hours at a boring baby shower, and can you blame them? In this day and age, there is absolutely no excuse for hosting a downright boring baby shower. By now, everyone and their mama know that the secret sauce to a baby shower is fun baby shower games.
I ravaged through the internet to find the 10 best baby shower games known to man. These fun baby shower games are bound to have your guests in stitches and don’t worry they are appropriate enough to not have grandma and great-grand rolling their eyes in the back. So here goes.
1. The Animal Gestation Game
The first baby shower game on my list is the animal gestation game. Unless your guests are scientists and vets this one will be so much fun.
What you will need:
For this fun baby shower game, you will need pens or pencils for your guests and a printout of animals and average gestation time. You can create the printout yourself or purchase one here for $4.
How to play: Ask your guests to match each animal with a length of gestation. Whoever matches the most correctly wins.
2. The Ugly Baby Name Game
This game is bound to conjure up some laughter. It is a bit like a family feud.
What you need: Printable with ugly baby names and points each name carries and a timer
Before the party: Print out the printables
How to play: Get a list of ugly baby names here and ask the guest to guess some ugly baby names. The ugliest names on the printable carry the most points. Whoever gets the most points win.
3. Bottle Chug Race

A drinking game is always fun to watch and participate in so you can’t go wrong in including this in your baby shower. Of course, you can use any beverage you wish but I’ll be honest, boos is the most popular choice.
What you need: A few baby bottles, preferably newborn baby bottles with really tiny nipple holes.
Before the party: Fill each bottle with the beverage.
How to play: Each guest takes a bottle and drinks as fast as possible. The one who finishes wins.
4. Price is Right
While baby showers have a lot of guests who are already parents, there are a lot of single folks and folks who don’t have children at baby showers. These guests are bound to trip up in this game, which should make it hilarious.
What you need: you can make up your own list or purchase a price is right printable here on Etsy, pencil or pen.
Before the party: no prep is needed
How to play: Each guest will guess the prices of items as you the MC call out the baby item. You can print enough printables for your guests and have the write down the answers.
5. Baby Who

What better way to enjoy your baby shower than to have your guests be the babies?
What you need: baby photo of your guests
Before the party: Ask your guests to send you their baby photos once they have accepted the invite
How to play: printout the baby photos and pin them on a line or string. Have your guest guess who the baby is
6. Diaper Change Relay Race

The diaper change relay race baby shower game is a personal favorite of mine. This more than all the other games bring out the competitive side in the guests.
What you’ll need:
- A pack of newborn diapers
- A tub of baby wipes
- Baby jumpsuit or onesie
- Plush animals or baby dolls
- Blindfolds (optional)
How to play:
The guests will arrange themselves into teams of the same number for instance teams of six. All teams will stand in a line. The first person in line in each team changes the diaper, wipes the toy’s bottom with a baby wipe, puts another diaper on, and dresses it in a jumpsuit. Then, the next team member does it all over again. When everyone on a team has changed the doll’s diaper once, that team has won.
7. Balloon Baby Twist

This baby shower game is lively and hilarious and will definitely be a hit at the baby shower.
What you’ll need:
- Big Balloons
How to play:
Guests will be required to blow up at least one balloon and put it under their shirt to form a baby bump. Then the MC should give out instructions to the guests such as do ten jumping jacks or yoga poses. The aim is to do the activities without the balloon falling out.
8. Baby Song Game
The word baby will be on everyone’s lips during the shower. Why not let them think about some songs with the word baby in them?
What you need: Paper and pen for each guest.
Before the party: No prep needed.
How to play: Each guest must write down as many songs they can think of with the word “baby” somewhere in the lyrics. Give the guests a time limit—five minutes max—and whoever has the most (real!) songs written down is the winner.
9. Guest The Lullaby
How well do your guests know lullabies?
What you need: A paper with a line from 10 lullabies. If you can’t be bothered, you can get Guess the Lullaby printable here for $4.
How to play: From the Guest, the Lullaby printable says the lyric (do not sing it) and have the guests guess the name of the lullaby.
I hope you find a game or two on this list suitable for you. Comment and let me know which one you will try and which one is absolutely a no-no for you.
Until next time, take care Polar Bear, xoxo