Playing Christmas games as a family is a great way to spend time with your family around the holiday season. It’s a great way to have some good laughs and create lasting memories. It’s also the ideal way of entertaining your excited and anxious kids, as they await the arrival of Santa Claus. Playing Christmas games is also great for entertaining guests at Christmas parties. Of course, the Christmas games shouldn’t be any old boring games, so I have compiled a list of 15 Christmas Games for Family.
1. Two Truths and a Lie… About Christmas
This is a really fun Christmas game for family and its quite simple too. Each player shares three statements or stories from Christmas memories or traditions. For the purpose of this game, the more unbelievable the story is, the better. The other players should then guess which of the statement or story is a lie.
2. Guess How Many
Guessing games are always fun. For this Christmas game, you simply fill a larger jar or vase with Christmas candies, mini ornaments, or other small and festive items, counting them as you place them inside. The challenge is for each player to guess the number of items by sight. The closest one to the correct number wins.
3. Christmas Charades Game
Charades have to be on the list when it comes to Christmas Games for family. In this version of Charades, the participants will write down a bunch of Christmas-centric clues to be placed on a Santa hat and then everyone takes turns in picking one and acting it out.
4. Pin the Nose on The Snowman
This game is bound to conjure up loads of laughter. It’s like pinning the tail on the donkey. For this game, you will need two blindfolds a poster, and several carrot noses to pin. You can find the poster here on Amazon.
5. Word Scramble

Get your pencils out for this one. You simply write down a bunch of Christmas-related words scrambled and hand them out to the participants and give them a minute to complete them. The person who finishes first with the most correct answers wins. You can download the free word scramble printable here.
6. Reindeer Antler Ring Toss Game

For this game, you will need a reindeer antler, and some rings, great if you can make one from scratch but you can always buy it on amazon here. A participant will put the antler on his or her head while others make attempts to throw the ring onto the antler.
7. Don’t Eat Pete the Christmas Elf

Kids will absolutely love this one and anyone who loves candy. For this Christmas game, you will need a printable which can be downloaded here for free. In each round of the game, one Christmas elf is designated as Pete, and everyone knows which elf is Pete, except for the participant. You will cover each square with M&Ms or candy of your choice and challenge the guesser to eat as many as they can without choosing the one from Pete’s square.
8. Christmas Alphabet Game
For this game, you simply list a Christmas item from A-Z. Make it more fun by setting a time limit for participants to complete the game. For this fun family Christmas game, you can make the list yourself or buy the printable here on Etsy for $3.
9. Candy Cane Hunt Game
There are a lot of seasonal games that can be tweaked to become Christmas games. Instead of an Easter egg hunt, set up a candy cane hunt. Hide wrapped candy canes throughout the house for your guests to seek out, and whoever finds the most wins a prize.
10. Santa Limbo Game

This one is really fun. Put a balloon under your shirt to mimic Santa’s belly and have two people hold a stick or a rope. Then line up, and one by one try to limbo underneath (with the Santa belly) until everyone has tried. Slightly lower the stick and have those who made it through go again. Continually lower the stick until one winner remains!
11. Christmas Song Emoji Pictionary Game
This is a great family Christmas game. You can write down your favorite Christmas songs using emojis and have the other players guess what songs.
12. Christmas Story Telling Game
Everyone loves a good story so this game should be fun! All participants can in a circle as one person begins a made-up holiday story with one sentence. Each person after them must recite what the previous player(s) said and add their own sentence. If someone forgets a detail while recalling the whole story, they’re out. The story keeps building until only one person can recall all of the details and wins the game
13. Human Christmas tree
Smaller children will love this hilarious Christmas game. This game calls for 2 to 3 representatives to serve as figurative Christmas trees. A team will attempt to decorate each “tree” with different Christmas decorations provided for the game. You can appoint judges to determine the winner. Make it more fun by setting a time limit.
I hope you enjoy this list and that you will find a game here that you and your family will enjoy this Christmas.
14. Christmas Family Feud

Family Feud is loved by everyone. Why not put a Christmas spin on it? Here is a downloadable printable with the questions. The answers can be found here at
-xoxo Monica