Birth affirmations

20 Positive Birth Affirmations to Help You Stay Calm and Confident

As a mother of three who had three natural births, I can tell you that giving birth is no easy fleet. My behavior during my first birth traumatized my husband, I was cursing and screaming the entire time, so much so that he vowed he was never going to have another child. Yes, it was that bad. By baby number two, I had more confidence and knew what to expect. I did more reading and research and what I came to find out was that our bodies have a natural pain relief system that can be accessed when we give birth. Some birth Doula swears that this hormone is more effective at reducing pain than even morphine. So why can’t we access this pain relief mechanism during birth? It is not because our bodies cannot do it, but simply because we are not in the right emotional state of mind. And how can we get there? Through birth affirmations.

What are Birth Affirmations?

Affirmations in general short phrases that are repeated in hopes of improving one’s mindset. The rationale behind affirmations is that by improving one’s mindset, one can improve her outcome. Birth affirmations are short phrases repeated by women in the hope that by repeating the positive statement, it will soothe the anxieties and fears associated with labor and delivery with the hope of achieving an easier birth. Some people repeat affirmations out loud, in their heads and some simply write them down. You can use birth affirmations daily before giving birth or just before or during labor. I recommend repeating them daily so that during birth you can recite them in your mind.

Do Birth Affirmations Work?

Many women all over the world use birth affirmations, but the question is do birth affirmations actually work, or are they just a bunch of mumbo jumbos? Dos repeating something simply makes it true. Well according to science that may very well be the case. An entire theory was developed around affirmation called self-affirmation theory.

According to the self-affirmation theory, we begin to believe something to be true through regular repetition as the brain is programmed through a process called neuroplasticity. Fancy term, but it is essentially our mind’s ability to change or adapt, so the more we affirm the new concept or thought, the stronger the neural pathway becomes that leads to it.

How to Make your birth Affirmation work for you   

Ok now that we have established that birth affirmations are not just a bunch of mumbo jumbos, I will tell you how to make them work for you.

Step 1: You can save our Pinterest list of affirmations or simply download the printable here if you only want a few of the affirmations on the list.

Step 2: Speak the affirmation out loud, do this for at least five minutes 2 times per day in the morning and before going to bed.

Step 3: Write down your birth several times in a notebook. I suggest writing and not typing because there is something about writing that is just more personal than actually typing.

Step 4:  Allow your mind and body to believe what you are saying by placing your hand on your bump

Step 5: As you reprogram your mind to the positive belief, take deep breaths in and out while you are saying and writing your birth affirmations.

The Benefits of Birth Affirmations

It is important to note that affirmations will not work for everyone. In fact, studies have shown that people for instance with low self-esteem are bound to feel worse after repeating affirmations than people with high self-esteem.  But the truth is there is little to no harm that enforcing a positive mindset can do to you and your baby. Birth affirmations are a powerful tool to help you change your mood, and state of mind, and manifest the type of birth experience that you are seeking. Birth affirmations and a strong, positive mind, can help you actually have a less painful birth! There is no disadvantage to trying birth affirmations, so why now?

20 Birth Affirmations

I have compiled a list of 20 birth affirmations to get you through labor and delivery. Hopefully these affirmations will change your mindset.

  1. Trust the process
  2. I am in control of my body
  3.  Fear will not control my birth
  4. My body is doing its job
  5. Relax, open, and breathe
  6. It’s not pain, it’s power
  7. My only job is to breathe and allow my baby to be born
  8. She believed she could, so she did
  9. I trust my body and what it can do
  10.  Every contraction is bringing me closer to my baby
  11. We are the only species of mammals that can doubt its capacity to give birth
  12.  Anxiety will leave my body and mind
  13. I am ready for childbirth however it is
  14.  I will meet my baby soon
  15.  Birth is a miracle and I am part of it
  16. The joy is coming
  17. Each contraction last only one minute
  18. Breathe baby down
  19. Birth is a beautiful thing
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